Thursday, May 11, 2006

Its "Not" time again

Once again we have our regularly scheduled WWdN: Not The tournament. The turnout was slightly better than last week and once again I have to thank all the advertising for it from the readers out there.

I have to give a big shout out to SURFLEXUS who has managed to win the Mookie back to back and has now followed up with a win here tonight. I tried my best but he cleaned up on me heads up, even though I had a 2 to 1 chip advantage when we went heads up.

Thanks to all who came out to play (or to railbird), it was fun - as usual. See you all next week at the WWdN, the Mookie and, of course, the WWdN: Not.


Anonymous said...

It was fun playing with ya! Too bad we didn't get to face each other

Do you have YIM? If so, hit me up sometime - yosoyveneno

Anonymous said...

Another great turnout last night, sorry I couldn't stick around after I donked out...too sleepy.